Shipping Policy
SHIPPING POLICY: Most products are shipped worldwide. Most items will be shipped by U.S. Mail, UPS, Common Carrier (LTL) depending on the weight. We use many different freight companies trying to save you money. We do not guarantee delivery dates under any circumstances.
Large shipments may be delivered on pallets. A forklift is generally used to offload large shipments, but the pallets can be broken open to be offloaded by hand. Most residential deliveries can be taken off the truck by hand. The drivers only responsibility is to get the order to the end of the truck. It is the receivers responsibility to remove the product. This only applies to Common Carrier deliveries, not UPS, FedEX, etc. If a lift gate is required, inside delivery or you need to reschedule a delivery it is the sole responsibility of the Buyer to arrange and pay the applicable fees. We will not be responsible for these fees and if we are charged in your be-half, you will be charged.
PICK-UP POLICY: We are not setup for product being pickup. However, if arrangements are made upon placing the order there will be a minimum pick-up fee of $30.00. Once the order has been placed this fee is non-refundable. If the product has been packaged and is ready for pick-up there will be an additional minimum fee of $30.00. This fee is for shrink wrap, order processing, shipping pallet, shipping supplies and the time that it takes to pull and package the order. It takes additional time for an order being picked up verses being shipped.
DAMAGE & SHORTAGE POLICY: We take extra precautions to pack our orders to prevent damage and breakage. If, despite our efforts, your order does arrive damaged, you must call, fax or email us immediately. Keep all contents (DO NOT DISPOSE OF ANY PRODUCT AND/OR DOCUMENTS) and original packing material. Do not repack and do not return the items back to us until you are notified by us. Sometimes this will void the insurance and we will not be able to give you a refund.
Any shortages or damages must be noted on the bill of lading at the time of delivery. If damage is found after the driver has left, the trucking company must be notified and a claim filed. Make all claims promptly. Most times an inspector will be sent out to see the damage or to note a shortage. If you discover shortages or damages after the driver has left, it is your responsibility to seek reimbursement from the trucking company for any shortages or damages. The trucking company will provide the appropriate forms for filing a claim.